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Friday, November 15, 2013

My journey of third pregnancy PART II


4 months
I think this is the most difficult pregnancy for me so far..Already in the 4th month, but still loya2 n tekak rasa tak best tak kira masa..mood makan yg kelaut..tapi badan is getting bigger day by day..seriously i look like giant right now.Me and excessive weight gain, memang  x dapat dipisahkan during baru 4 bulan,berat dah naik berkilo2..kalau 9 bulan nanti camne?haihhh..can't wait to pop out the baby..hope time will flies really,really fast for this time..this time pregnancy...hmmm...make me more anxious, more discomfort with my self..age factor perhaps?
Went to clinic for my second check up.The baby is fine.Still can't see the gender.According to doctor, the baby is still small..hehe..mama yg tak sabar to find out.We will know next month.There's a slight problem, but not too risky.Doctor said, My uri is a bit kena careful, sebab ia boleh menyebabkan bleeding..
I can feel the baby manja kicks since 4 1/2 month..wowww..this baby really impressed me..his development I think a wee bit fast..compared to his sis n bro, their first kick was after 5 months..

5 months
Mama still feeling dizzy n nausea..haihh..this time pregnancy make me feel soooooo lazy every time in everything I do...n it kinda slows me down (not only the movement but the thinking part) and body was heating all time..
I can't even consume obimin, sejak dah masuk trimester kedua ni, baru 3 kali je telan..last nite makan, tak boleh tido sebab tahan rasa nak muntoh..gotta take anaother supplement, have googled, vitalea from shaklee seems like the best supplement to replace obimin, gotta try this la..
Oh, my baby is sooo actively kicking around..
Another weird hobby during this time pregnancy ialah,to take selfie photo at office almost everyday...motip?ntah, aku pon tak tahu..saje je kot nak ukur perkembangan hidung sendiri..pfffttt..
5 1/2 months..2-3 hari rasa sangat sakit pinggang , macam ada sebeban kat belakang, duduk tak kena, berdiri tak kena, baring or sandar je ok, tu pon kena lapik bantal to feel better...
6/7..went to check up, really hoping that we can see the baby's gender today, but kuciwa...
Oh, I did the kencing manis test jugak, had to swallowed the air gula (thank god it was in ribena flavor) in one big gulp.senapas saja!
Kuciwa, baby's gender still x konfem..I thought the doctor yg tak pandai or malas nak scan..coz this was the second time, she keep saying the same thing, oh baby kecik lagi, tak nampak lagi..from the way she scan, I could tell, dia tak pandai sgt, scan pon gitu2 je..Tapi she did say that, tak nampak macam ada bebird, could be a girl, but tak confirm lagi, sebab tak nampak pon 3 line tu or macam burger ke apa...haihhh..takkan tak nampak, I'm already in week 23, masa Icha dulu tepat on week 20 aku gi scan, nampak clear..
Another week more to 7 months to be exact, I had my last check up with Klinik Jameaton..
Result Kencing manis ok, semuanya ok.Dah scan ngan Doc Jameaton sendiri, baru puas ati..and she confirmed that the baby is a girl..Alhamdullillah, kuciwa sikit sebab aku nak boy, tapi tak pe..aku terima je..
Alhamdullillah again, tahun ni puasa completed 29 hari..

**This is an autopublish & this journal was written during my pregnancy days..

1 comment:

ada said...

bestnye peknen..semoga sihat2 pon nk peknen jugakk..hehehe


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