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Monday, September 24, 2012

Karma #1

It was time to upload KPI 2012 just couple of weeks ago.We just started using the new system for annual performance evaluation since last year.This was our second time lah.I was totally blank and I couldn't think of anything, like I didn't remember anything from last year.How I managed to do it,what I've to key-in,what should I use while creating the score card.Nada.
Akupon heran apesal aku x ingat macam mana nak buat sedangkan it just a few months ago.Then I thought - it must be KARMA.hahaha.gotcha!
Dulu sebabkan system baru and kiteorg first time guna,so kena explore la.Macam biasa benda baru macam susah sikit, so my colleague ni macam tak nak explore sendiri n tunggu aku yg buat dulu, pastu keje dia copy paste aje.So tak boleh nak harapkan dia,aku explore sendiri, try n error, akhirnya dapat la buat.Tak puas ati ngan colleague aku tu, so aku buat senyap je, konon2 kedekut ilmulah tak nak share ngan dia.Tapi at least aku bagi jugaklah.saje je nak bagi dia panas kejap.ehehee.Dia of course lah copy paste je, sebab semua keje2 yg susah perah otak aku dah buat kan.Sebab aku dapt buat, maybe aku ada riak sikit disitu kot, sikit la..ahahaha.
Alih2 this year, aku jadi blank tak tahu nak buat apa.Senyap2 je aku tengok my colleague ni,dah siap buat semua sekali untuk staff2 dia.isk, ni tak boleh jadi ni.nak buat sendiri serious aku lupa, nak tak nak den terpaksa la tanya dia huh!kemain dia dgn berbangganya explain kat aku, siap email aku if you're unclear please see me.ala2 boss gitu.
haihhh...whats wrong with me.short term memory loss kah?

One word to describe this - it's a karma baby.huhuhu...
Moral of the story, janganla berasa bangga or riak dgn kejayaan yg sedikit, n janganlah kedekut ilmu.

Sekian cerita hari ini.sila ambik iktibar.:)

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