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Tuesday, November 5, 2013

My journey of third pregnancy PART I

I decided to write this time pregnancy journal since I am 2 months pregnant.By the time you were reading this(this is auto publish) hopefully I was safely delivered dah.Saje je nak tulis awal, compare ngan yg sebelum ni, aku recall balik n baru tulis entry..So banyak dah citer2 yg dah terlupa..


Early of pregnancy
I knew that I was pregnant as early at 3 weeks of pregnancy.It was unexpected, but aku terima je kalau itu dah rezeki.Alhamdulllillah.The day I knew that I was pregnant,time2 tu jugak my craving started.mengada2 bukan?Since then, I am expanding inch by inch..*sigh*

2 months
Only got mild morning sickness or alahan..hungry n hungry all the weight increased..pffftttt..
Pagi cam biasa, struggling while brushed my teeth..Sensitive to stinking smell, sume org, sume tempat aku rasa busuk..petang pening sikit n loya..mulut rasa pahit, masam, payau..that's why mesti ada something dalam mulut aku..I hate my most favorite seafood, udang..bye udang, see you in a year time...But I love crab..
For lunch, I prefer rice with lauk2 kampung, ulam n sambal belacan..hari2 nasik, camne tak gemuk..Tak lalu minum susu, uwekkk, my fav milo+susu pon dah tak lalu ditekak...suka buah2an..Easy to fall asleep, after lunch mesti ada naptime..tak suka makan masakan sendiri or senang citer dah jadi pemalas..

Masa week ke 10, pergi check up n scan for the first time.Bukak buku merah kat Klinik Jameaton, Equine Park.Best klinik ni, doktor best n yg penting scanner canggih, bila scan nampak clear je..hahaha..
For the first time jugak aku rasa terharu, bile melihat ciptaan-Nya.Subhanallah.Tak penah aku lihat sbl ni bile scan anak2 aku yg lepas, at the stage of 2 months++, dah nampak bentuk dia.Dah siap keluar tangan kecik yg comel.Masa scan tu nampak tangan dia dok terkuis-kuis, dok pusing2 dalam perut aku..comelnya..

3 months
Nothing much on the third month..I still feel loya especially during weight??dont ask..I am the giant in the making..*sigh*..Selera makan yg cerewet n huru-hara..Janganlah baby aku nanti sorang pemilih makan..
Oh, I've noticed a new facial wash..setiap kali lepas cuci muka memang rasa nak muntah..current favorite food, daging & ikan..pastu buah anggur mesti ada stok dalam peti..

**This is an autopublish & this journal was written during my pregnancy days..

1 comment:

NinaAz said...

equine tu dekat area sri kembangan kan?? hehe. jaga diri yea !


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