Nak kata baru tahu, tapi dah lama tahu..cuma bile tengok balik pagi tadi, sejenis perasaan itu baru muncul, iaitu perasaan yg tidak best..bile aku google balik url blog aku, then click kat image..Tudiaaaaaa...kuarla sebeban gambar2 aku yg penah aku publish kat entry2 lepas..dan aku mula rasa sejenis perasaan yg tidak best ittewww...
Tidak best sebab, sebab as easy like that, just one click, nahhhh...amik kau, segala mak nenek gambo yg penah ko tepek kat blog semua kuar...kalau gambar lain contohnya makanan ke, aku tak kisah gambo2 family, especially gambo anak2..rasa macam hilang privacy, sebab mudah sangat org nak tengok gambo family kita kat intenet (akibat dari perbuatan kita sendiri)..memang maklumat dihujung jari sungguh, just a single click, kuar le segala mak nenek..
Tak, aku bukan perasan retis ke apa..sebab aku bukan retis la, aku rasa tak sepatutnya nak exposed too much on family, especially gambo2 kan..macam aku cakap, macam hilang privacy..Tapi nak buat camne, dah aku berblog hanya bercerita pasal kehidupan harian yg berkaitan ngan family, so haruslah tepek gambo kan..kang tak berseri pulak entry aku tanpa gambo....Tapi tulah, bile google sendiri...alahaiiiii..bersepahnya gambo..
Bukan apa, dunia sekarang ni macam2..penah jadi pada blogger2 sebelum ni yg org lain curi gambo diaorg, pastu buat citer or bubuh caption yg bukan2..contohnya, ada sorang blogger fofular ni yg teleh tepek gambo anak dia sakit kat spital, tup tup heboh kat fb, konon kata budak tu kena dera kat mak bapak...kang dah naya kat situ, n some more boleh mengundang fitnah n caci maki..Ada pulak, yg suka-suki curik gambo org lain nak buat jadik model produk jualan..tu belum kes curik gambo utk create fake profile kat fb or blog...haihhh...even kalo dah watermark gambo pon,still diaorg boleh crop..
Tak mustahil, sekali aku google, tengok2 gambo anak2 aku tetiba dah jadi anak org lain kat blog org lain, in this case org tu cuba create fake profile la n everything is fake, ini pon penah jadik kat sorang blogger fofular..Tak, aku bukan perasan blogger fofular, tapi benda ni tak mustahil jadik walaopon kat bukan blogger fofular, sebabnya lagi senang kot, susah sikit org nak detect whether this person/blog ni fake or not..
Beringat sebelum terkena..
Nantilah, slowly aku kan remove gambo2 dari entry2 yg lepas..Lagipon, nasiblah sekarang ni aku hanya fokus kat blog saja, no more others social media..bayangkan kalo semua aku tepek gambo, kat fb, my space,insta, keek ...huhhh..lagi poning den!To kawan2 yg takde blog, tapi active kat social media yg lain2 tu, sama lah jugak risikonya ye, walaupon ko dah bubuh segala private setting bagai, tapi still mende tu boleh hack..Dah katenye dunia internet ni dunia tanpa everything is possible...
Bersepah, and I is dont like!Tapi tulah kang, kalu bercerita tak tepek gambo macam tak best pulak..or should I blur kan saja gambo2 tu or just edit in black n white??
Thursday, September 26, 2013
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Hero sendu
Semenjak dua menjak ni banyak pulak drama series melayu yg best2 kat tibi, membuatkan aku terfollow layan...elehhh, cakap je lah ko dah masuk fan club drama melayu kennnn...Tapi ok la, memandangkan drama melayu sekarang dah byk yg best so bolela nak layan, bukan stok drama sembilu mcm dulu2 tu..kalo x sempat nak tgk kat tibi, selalunya aku layan online..takde astrerok no belambak sekarang..
Tapi daya tarikan sesuatu drama bagi aku kena pakej..jalan citer + hero + heroin..kalau salah satu failed boleh merosakkan mood nak tengok..mcm citer teduhan kasih, aku tak minat adi putra, si heroin tu lagi la..tapi jalan citer best, terpaksa jugak tengok walaupon agak ketinggalan..
sekarang antara 2 citer yg best kat tibi ialah citer jannah tu ngan kg girl..tapi dua2 hero adalah sendu..
citer jannah tu best..aku suke sebab jalan citer dia ada konflik2 n saspen sikit..lagipon aku suke nelydia tu berlakon, suke dia berlakon since drama spa q lagi..tapi alahaiiiiii...takde ke org lain nak dijadikan hero..seriously hero cikeding like that??tak 'manly' langsung..aku kalo scene dia ngan jannah mesti aku skip..ntah la kenapa, somesthing's bothering me..the way he talk, the way he dressed,the way he acted....eeeeeiiiiiii..tak sesuwai okay...aku sampai nak termuntoh* ober bebenor tapi aku tak tipu ye, blamed on my pregnancy hormone ya!*..kot ye pon cari la yg macho sikit..dia ni kalu berlakon watak ustaz2 or ustaz miang sesuwai la...
pastu citer kg girl, aku curi2 baca novel dia macam best jugak..tapi since first episode, bile nampak je mamat ni berlakon...alahaiiiii..belambak kot hero lain yg fit dengan character hero dalam citer lah ..dalam novel hero tu digambarkan hensem tinggi etc...seriously akim af tu??pfffftttt...potong mood nak tengok..
* sorry kalo sape yg dah terbaca entry sia2 ni..hahaha, pada peminat kedua hero tersebut, mintak mahap banyak2 ye, jangan sentap pulak..
Tapi daya tarikan sesuatu drama bagi aku kena pakej..jalan citer + hero + heroin..kalau salah satu failed boleh merosakkan mood nak tengok..mcm citer teduhan kasih, aku tak minat adi putra, si heroin tu lagi la..tapi jalan citer best, terpaksa jugak tengok walaupon agak ketinggalan..
sekarang antara 2 citer yg best kat tibi ialah citer jannah tu ngan kg girl..tapi dua2 hero adalah sendu..
citer jannah tu best..aku suke sebab jalan citer dia ada konflik2 n saspen sikit..lagipon aku suke nelydia tu berlakon, suke dia berlakon since drama spa q lagi..tapi alahaiiiiii...takde ke org lain nak dijadikan hero..seriously hero cikeding like that??tak 'manly' langsung..aku kalo scene dia ngan jannah mesti aku skip..ntah la kenapa, somesthing's bothering me..the way he talk, the way he dressed,the way he acted....eeeeeiiiiiii..tak sesuwai okay...aku sampai nak termuntoh* ober bebenor tapi aku tak tipu ye, blamed on my pregnancy hormone ya!*..kot ye pon cari la yg macho sikit..dia ni kalu berlakon watak ustaz2 or ustaz miang sesuwai la...
pastu citer kg girl, aku curi2 baca novel dia macam best jugak..tapi since first episode, bile nampak je mamat ni berlakon...alahaiiiii..belambak kot hero lain yg fit dengan character hero dalam citer lah ..dalam novel hero tu digambarkan hensem tinggi etc...seriously akim af tu??pfffftttt...potong mood nak tengok..
* sorry kalo sape yg dah terbaca entry sia2 ni..hahaha, pada peminat kedua hero tersebut, mintak mahap banyak2 ye, jangan sentap pulak..
Monday, September 23, 2013
Dugaan kecil saja ni...
Ari Jumaat tu balik dari keje lambat sikit..dah lepas maghrib baru balik..masa somi sampai..aku terhidu2 bau hangit kat moto (yes aku still gi keje naik moto walaupon dah masuk 8 bln 1/2 dah ni, I know not good tapi aku malas nak naik lrt, kalu naik kete kang tiap2 ari sampai opis 10 pg, balik rumah sampai 10 mlm)..Tanya kat somi apa benda bau hangit ni, katanya ntah apa benda kat dlm seat motor tu yg terbako..aku dah tak sedap ati, tanya lagi, ni ok ke tak nak naik moto ni...dia cakap ok, aku tau dia pon tak konpiden, memandangkan dah gelap, n nak balik cepat ambik anak2 kat taska lagi, aku naik je, tak tanya banyak dah..
Dah jalan half way lah kiranya, sampai kat atas highway Mex tu, ni betul2 kat tengah highway, atas fly over plak tu, lagi 800 meter ke bangunan Nirvana tu, tiba2 motor naik kude..pastu terus mampus, n terberentilah kat tengah2 highway langsung tak mau gerak dah..nasib baik dah memang sedia dok kat lane kiri..haihhhhh..garu kepala lah kiteorg..tak penah lagi moto buat hal tengah2 highway camni..pagi tu , kemain lagi somi dok puji2 moto ni tak penah lagi buat hal walaupon dah dekat 3 tahun pakai...pffftttttt...sekali petang tu dia dah tunjuk belang...
Takpe2 meh kita bersabor, n duduklah kiteorg bertenggek kat tepi highway tu sementara tunggu adik aku datang nak amik aku n towing truck nak usung motor tu ke workshop...ada lah dalam setengah jam melangut kat tepi highway tu.. kekadang aku bangun berdiri, saja nak menunjuk perut boyot nak tengok ada ke org nak berenti..tapi nan-ado okey...people are being so ignorant these days..tapi tak salahkan diaorg la, kalu aku pon mungkin macam tu jugak..hanya mampu pandang n cakap kesian dalam ati je..tapi tak paham la, yg aku perasan ada kat 5 buah penunggang moto kot, bawak kemain ketepi, n laju pulak tu, sipi je nak kena kiteorng..padahal dah letak kon, yg dari jauh nampak...isk...isk..isk..
Balik rumah, terkandas lagi, terkandas kat rumah adik aku..kunci rumah aku tertinggal kat rumah, yg somi punye dia tertinggal kat moto, moto dah ada kat workshop, nak pegi balik ambik, workshop dah tutup...merasalah macam org tak berumah n menumpang rumah org semalaman, nasib baik kat rumah adik sendiri...
Dah jalan half way lah kiranya, sampai kat atas highway Mex tu, ni betul2 kat tengah highway, atas fly over plak tu, lagi 800 meter ke bangunan Nirvana tu, tiba2 motor naik kude..pastu terus mampus, n terberentilah kat tengah2 highway langsung tak mau gerak dah..nasib baik dah memang sedia dok kat lane kiri..haihhhhh..garu kepala lah kiteorg..tak penah lagi moto buat hal tengah2 highway camni..pagi tu , kemain lagi somi dok puji2 moto ni tak penah lagi buat hal walaupon dah dekat 3 tahun pakai...pffftttttt...sekali petang tu dia dah tunjuk belang...
Takpe2 meh kita bersabor, n duduklah kiteorg bertenggek kat tepi highway tu sementara tunggu adik aku datang nak amik aku n towing truck nak usung motor tu ke workshop...ada lah dalam setengah jam melangut kat tepi highway tu.. kekadang aku bangun berdiri, saja nak menunjuk perut boyot nak tengok ada ke org nak berenti..tapi nan-ado okey...people are being so ignorant these days..tapi tak salahkan diaorg la, kalu aku pon mungkin macam tu jugak..hanya mampu pandang n cakap kesian dalam ati je..tapi tak paham la, yg aku perasan ada kat 5 buah penunggang moto kot, bawak kemain ketepi, n laju pulak tu, sipi je nak kena kiteorng..padahal dah letak kon, yg dari jauh nampak...isk...isk..isk..
Balik rumah, terkandas lagi, terkandas kat rumah adik aku..kunci rumah aku tertinggal kat rumah, yg somi punye dia tertinggal kat moto, moto dah ada kat workshop, nak pegi balik ambik, workshop dah tutup...merasalah macam org tak berumah n menumpang rumah org semalaman, nasib baik kat rumah adik sendiri...
sambil melangut tepi highway.. |
kuda itam belaan somi yg tersadai tepi highway.. |
Thursday, September 19, 2013
Konsert Tadika
Ni first konsert abang..abang kena buat tarian yg berunsurkan chinese cultural..tajuk tarian ialah handkerchief dance, tapi aku tak nampak pon unsur2 handkerchief dalam tarian tersebut, malah handkerchief pon tak digunakan sebagai props..tak taulah kat mana sangkut pautnya tarian dengan nama tarian tu..
Ni lagi satu, baju tak berunsurkan chinese culturalpon..macam baju paria adalah..ngan labuci bagai..
Ni je gambo yg terdaya nak snap.Yg penting abang enjoyed his first stage performance.Bimbang je aku takut dia tersasar bile tgk mama or terkencing ke..Ada budak tu tgh2 syok buat persembahan tetiba boleh plak menangis tengok mama dia kat bawah..nasib abang tak macam tu..
Ni lagi satu, baju tak berunsurkan chinese culturalpon..macam baju paria adalah..ngan labuci bagai..
Malu abang tak nak bergambo sebab muke kena mekap ala opera cina..hihihi |
Maafkan mama ye abang, mama tak jumpe nak cari button zoom kat ipong ni, ke memang takde?nak guna telepon samsung (which is better ambik dari jauh pon tapi gambo takdelah kecik bebenor), takde bateri le pulok...
Ngan kawan2 satu kelas.. |
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
Check up 8 months @ hospital
Finally, we chose KPMC Kajang, and hopefully we stick to this hospital until my delivery day.
Check up was last Wednesday, with Dr Anita ( As I read on the blog, she got lot of positive feedbacks from her past patients).
Indeed, she was a lovely doctor, and so far even after first time met her, aku puas ati..even better kot daripada gynae2 lain yg pernah aku berurusan sebelum ni.Explanation bagus, clear, apa yg kita tanya dia jawab panjang lebar..scan baby pon ok, explain pasal baby far so good..
So, whats up for 8 months check up??
I told Doc Anita, that I'm thinking to have elective ceasarian, due to my previous histories..She said ok, elective ceasarian ni boleh buat as long as u already had at least one time ceasarian before.
Lepas dah cerita lebih kurang pasal sejarah beranak yg lepas2, soal jawab itu ini,then time to scan..
Apparantly, turn out memang aku kena ceasar pon disebabkan perkara berikut;
1)Placenta Previa (Uri dibawah)
Kes PP ni, aku jenis type 3.FYI, PP ni ada 4 type..malas nak explain..plis google ye..hehe..
pendek citer, aku punye PP type 3.For those yg ada PP type 3 & 4 & which is over 28 weeks..memang kena operate..PP type 3 ni ialah Kedudukan uri yg separuh menutupi pintu rahim.PP type 4, uri yg tutup penuh pintu rahim.
2)Kedudukan baby melintang..hmmm..masa check up Icha 8 bulan dulu,kedudukan dia songsang, tapi scan masa 9 bulan dia dah pusing kepala ke bawah, tapi tulah, walaupon dah kebawah kepalanya, still masih jauh lagi dari pintu, operatelah kite..
3)Baby besar ...tskkkk...tak tau nak cakap apa..dah omaknya besar, anak pon besar la..hehehe
So ari tu dah decide tarikh tapi tak finalized lagi..paling awal boleh beranak on week 37..Tapi ari tu lupe nak inform doctor,yg abangnye keluar on early of week 38, before that memang aku dah leaking air ketuban 2-3 hari dah..Kalau boleh buat on week 36 pon ok jugak..I is tak larat dah nak tunggu lama2..
Contdown:32 days to go..
Check up was last Wednesday, with Dr Anita ( As I read on the blog, she got lot of positive feedbacks from her past patients).
Indeed, she was a lovely doctor, and so far even after first time met her, aku puas ati..even better kot daripada gynae2 lain yg pernah aku berurusan sebelum ni.Explanation bagus, clear, apa yg kita tanya dia jawab panjang lebar..scan baby pon ok, explain pasal baby far so good..
So, whats up for 8 months check up??
I told Doc Anita, that I'm thinking to have elective ceasarian, due to my previous histories..She said ok, elective ceasarian ni boleh buat as long as u already had at least one time ceasarian before.
Lepas dah cerita lebih kurang pasal sejarah beranak yg lepas2, soal jawab itu ini,then time to scan..
Apparantly, turn out memang aku kena ceasar pon disebabkan perkara berikut;
1)Placenta Previa (Uri dibawah)
Kes PP ni, aku jenis type 3.FYI, PP ni ada 4 type..malas nak explain..plis google ye..hehe..
pendek citer, aku punye PP type 3.For those yg ada PP type 3 & 4 & which is over 28 weeks..memang kena operate..PP type 3 ni ialah Kedudukan uri yg separuh menutupi pintu rahim.PP type 4, uri yg tutup penuh pintu rahim.
2)Kedudukan baby melintang..hmmm..masa check up Icha 8 bulan dulu,kedudukan dia songsang, tapi scan masa 9 bulan dia dah pusing kepala ke bawah, tapi tulah, walaupon dah kebawah kepalanya, still masih jauh lagi dari pintu, operatelah kite..
3)Baby besar ...tskkkk...tak tau nak cakap apa..dah omaknya besar, anak pon besar la..hehehe
So ari tu dah decide tarikh tapi tak finalized lagi..paling awal boleh beranak on week 37..Tapi ari tu lupe nak inform doctor,yg abangnye keluar on early of week 38, before that memang aku dah leaking air ketuban 2-3 hari dah..Kalau boleh buat on week 36 pon ok jugak..I is tak larat dah nak tunggu lama2..
Contdown:32 days to go..
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
Aku selalu breakfast kat IB pagi2.Pastu ada terperasan motor ni.
First time tengok, aku ingat kan owner motor ni nak balik kg ke apa, sebab bawak beg besar.Tapi dah tiap2 kali aku pegi situ, tiap2 kali aku nampak, baru aku paham.Hehehe,sori ler aku memang berpikir secara siput sedut sikit since pregnant ni...and it put a smile on me..Sometimes, hard times allows you to be creative..God bless you!
First time tengok, aku ingat kan owner motor ni nak balik kg ke apa, sebab bawak beg besar.Tapi dah tiap2 kali aku pegi situ, tiap2 kali aku nampak, baru aku paham.Hehehe,sori ler aku memang berpikir secara siput sedut sikit since pregnant ni...and it put a smile on me..Sometimes, hard times allows you to be creative..God bless you!
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
Mengidam ini..
Dah lama aku teringin nak makan ni.Dari sebelum puasa lagi.Lupa nak suruh agen pencari makanan kat kampung carikan..dah abis raya manalah nak carikan..Ari tu masa pegi rumah lama kitaorg, terperasan kat bekas kuih tuan rumah tu ada ni, tapi segan la pulok nak makan2...dah le tetamu tak di undang, sudahnya telan ailio je..Tapi ada rezeki aku nampaknya, ari tu masa pegi breakfas kat foodcourt TH selborn bangunan seberang opis aku ni, ternampak akak gerai tu lelong kuih ni..Alhamdullillah...merasa jugak akhirnya...kalau tak kempunan aku..nanti kang anak aku ni sampai umor 3 tahun asek meleleh ailio cam abang dia dulu..Masa abang dia dulu, sampai 3 tahun ailio meleleh, tapi memang ada menda yg aku tak dapat makan sampai ke sudah time pregnantkan abang dulu...hehehe
Inilah kuihnye..
Inilah kuihnye..
Agar-agar kering..dalam masa 2 hari abis aku kerjakan.. |
Monday, September 9, 2013
I'm on 8 months of pregnancy now!But help!Still can't decide which hopsital to pop the baby...*sigh*..why this time so hard la?
The previous two, were at Pusrawi KL.The hospital was ok.The service, hospitality and doctor, semuanya ok.The only part that is not ok ialah, the cost.If I have to undergo ceasarian, the cost might be more than 9k...phewwwwww*lap peluh*
Since this is the number third, and we think we need to be savvy a bit, we try to find a hospital yg agak2 sesuai ngan poket kami kali ni..
KPMC Puchong
I was so sure that I am going to deliver my baby kat sini.The cost is ok.Max for Ceasar is 7k.Survey punye survey, found out that there is only one female doctor je kat sini.Hospital a bit kecik la, but thats not a problem.Review on service on the net, 50-50.Some said ok, some said not ok.this hospital is under KIV..
FPP Putrajaya
This is the most one yg paling fit dengan our on the net was ok..but also only one female doctor je..before we start check up here, patient need to set appointment via telephone first..Tried many, many times to call the hospital, but kuciwa..semuanya tak berangkat..pfttttt..give up already!
HUKM Specialist centre
Again was so sure that I'm going to deliver here..Good reviews on the net, the only hospital that allows husband to be in OT while wifey undergo the, masa pegi open house kawan somi, bini dia keje kat sini, and she recommended the hospital..not to mention the cost fit our budget..cost lebih kurang FPP Putrajaya je.then again, kuciwa...called the hospital to set the appointment, katanya doctor tak terima dah patient..besides there's only one female doctor left...*sigh*
Columbia Asia Puchong
Love the hospital (sebab hospital dia baru), found good reviews on the net, both for doctor n female doctor and she is highly recommended, but the cost is....hmmmmm..not within our budget...*sobss*
KPMC Kajang
Cost is ok, within our budget, slightly far from our house..but my husband said ok dia agak besar compared to the one at Puchong..Reviews on the net 50-50.. Got two female doctors here,I already set the appointment with Doc Anita this Wednesday..hopefully the doctor is ok, lets pray that we stick to this one....
Kalau tak...pusrawi jugakla gamaknye....haishhhhhh
The previous two, were at Pusrawi KL.The hospital was ok.The service, hospitality and doctor, semuanya ok.The only part that is not ok ialah, the cost.If I have to undergo ceasarian, the cost might be more than 9k...phewwwwww*lap peluh*
Since this is the number third, and we think we need to be savvy a bit, we try to find a hospital yg agak2 sesuai ngan poket kami kali ni..
KPMC Puchong
I was so sure that I am going to deliver my baby kat sini.The cost is ok.Max for Ceasar is 7k.Survey punye survey, found out that there is only one female doctor je kat sini.Hospital a bit kecik la, but thats not a problem.Review on service on the net, 50-50.Some said ok, some said not ok.this hospital is under KIV..
FPP Putrajaya
This is the most one yg paling fit dengan our on the net was ok..but also only one female doctor je..before we start check up here, patient need to set appointment via telephone first..Tried many, many times to call the hospital, but kuciwa..semuanya tak berangkat..pfttttt..give up already!
HUKM Specialist centre
Again was so sure that I'm going to deliver here..Good reviews on the net, the only hospital that allows husband to be in OT while wifey undergo the, masa pegi open house kawan somi, bini dia keje kat sini, and she recommended the hospital..not to mention the cost fit our budget..cost lebih kurang FPP Putrajaya je.then again, kuciwa...called the hospital to set the appointment, katanya doctor tak terima dah patient..besides there's only one female doctor left...*sigh*
Columbia Asia Puchong
Love the hospital (sebab hospital dia baru), found good reviews on the net, both for doctor n female doctor and she is highly recommended, but the cost is....hmmmmm..not within our budget...*sobss*
KPMC Kajang
Cost is ok, within our budget, slightly far from our house..but my husband said ok dia agak besar compared to the one at Puchong..Reviews on the net 50-50.. Got two female doctors here,I already set the appointment with Doc Anita this Wednesday..hopefully the doctor is ok, lets pray that we stick to this one....
Kalau tak...pusrawi jugakla gamaknye....haishhhhhh
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
Wordless Wednesday:Saya anak Malaysia
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
It wasn't a nice experience shopping with this konon famous online baby shop..
I've experienced this 3 years ago, but maknosia ni tak penah serik..tahun ni cuba lagi kot, servis dah improved tapi...hampeh..sama jugok..
3 th lepas (lebih kurang la), lagi 2 bulan mcm tu kot, before bersalin kan icha, mcm mommies yg lain eksaited nak beli breastpump...survey punye survey punye survey, berkenan ngan pakej yg ada kat, lagipon oneline store macam femes sekali, ramai yg shopping disini...The breastpump pakej come together with breasfeeding gadget yg lain mcm storage botlle, cooler bag etc...
Aku placed order arini completed with payment which was amounted RM700++, pepagi lagi dah settle, dengan harapan esok boleh dapat barang...eksaited tak payah cakap le, first time ni beli breastpump..
sehari, dua hari , 3 hari and still counting and waiting...barang tak sampai..ada kat seminggu baru org kedai call, bagitahu cooler bag tak de stok, pastu tanya nak proceed ke tidak...kenapa after so many days baru nak call?apa ke lembab sangat diaorg buat kerja nih?Cut the story short, ding dong sana sini, mengamuk sikit, akhirnya aku dapat jugak barang aku, kat 2 minggu baru sampai..ngalahkan order kat over sea, padahal opis aku ngan outlet dia duduk dalam kawasan yg sama je...
And guess what??the same story repeated again...Again, aku placed order breastpump pakej on last wenesday pepagi buta, supposed ari jumaat dah sampai barang..but i received the call from org kedai, cakap again, cooler bag tak de stok..sorry sebab baru perasan...WHAT????Dah 3 hari kot, ko baru nak perasan..kenapa tak boleh call awal2?kenapa after received order n payment diaorg tak terus check?kenapa after 3 days..sebenornya bukan beg tu dah abis, cuma warna yg aku nak tu tak de..benda simple mcm tu pon amik masa 3 hari baru nak call...takpe sabo lagi aku, then aku cakap proceed je dengan warna apa2 aku tak kisah pon..then, they promised barang will be out from their outlet petang tu jugak..and supposed i will receive today..kl ngan kl patutnya ambik masa sehari je kan?
Tapi petang ni at 4PM, aku check tracking no kat courier tu, not in the system..tak tahu depa yg bagi salah or depa yg tak pos lagi..aku call outlet tu, and alasan given, they cannot check at system sebab sekarang tgh ujan lebat, line intenet tak de n promise to check n give me a call once the line is connected...pffftttttt...aku call mailing kat opis ni, memang konfem takde parcel...welll keep on waiting, kalu esok which is genap seminggu dah aku ordered, still tak sampai lagi barang aku, tengoklahhhh dan rasakan amukan akuuuuu yeeeee....
3 th lepas (lebih kurang la), lagi 2 bulan mcm tu kot, before bersalin kan icha, mcm mommies yg lain eksaited nak beli breastpump...survey punye survey punye survey, berkenan ngan pakej yg ada kat, lagipon oneline store macam femes sekali, ramai yg shopping disini...The breastpump pakej come together with breasfeeding gadget yg lain mcm storage botlle, cooler bag etc...
Aku placed order arini completed with payment which was amounted RM700++, pepagi lagi dah settle, dengan harapan esok boleh dapat barang...eksaited tak payah cakap le, first time ni beli breastpump..
sehari, dua hari , 3 hari and still counting and waiting...barang tak sampai..ada kat seminggu baru org kedai call, bagitahu cooler bag tak de stok, pastu tanya nak proceed ke tidak...kenapa after so many days baru nak call?apa ke lembab sangat diaorg buat kerja nih?Cut the story short, ding dong sana sini, mengamuk sikit, akhirnya aku dapat jugak barang aku, kat 2 minggu baru sampai..ngalahkan order kat over sea, padahal opis aku ngan outlet dia duduk dalam kawasan yg sama je...
And guess what??the same story repeated again...Again, aku placed order breastpump pakej on last wenesday pepagi buta, supposed ari jumaat dah sampai barang..but i received the call from org kedai, cakap again, cooler bag tak de stok..sorry sebab baru perasan...WHAT????Dah 3 hari kot, ko baru nak perasan..kenapa tak boleh call awal2?kenapa after received order n payment diaorg tak terus check?kenapa after 3 days..sebenornya bukan beg tu dah abis, cuma warna yg aku nak tu tak de..benda simple mcm tu pon amik masa 3 hari baru nak call...takpe sabo lagi aku, then aku cakap proceed je dengan warna apa2 aku tak kisah pon..then, they promised barang will be out from their outlet petang tu jugak..and supposed i will receive today..kl ngan kl patutnya ambik masa sehari je kan?
Tapi petang ni at 4PM, aku check tracking no kat courier tu, not in the system..tak tahu depa yg bagi salah or depa yg tak pos lagi..aku call outlet tu, and alasan given, they cannot check at system sebab sekarang tgh ujan lebat, line intenet tak de n promise to check n give me a call once the line is connected...pffftttttt...aku call mailing kat opis ni, memang konfem takde parcel...welll keep on waiting, kalu esok which is genap seminggu dah aku ordered, still tak sampai lagi barang aku, tengoklahhhh dan rasakan amukan akuuuuu yeeeee....
S19 Taman Elina 1
Sudah lama berniat nak menjenguk rumah itu, walaupon tahu ianya sudah bertukar tuan...Rinduuuuuuu pada rumah itu dan kenangan masa kecik di situ...Paling banyak kenangan zaman kecik bersama Arwah ummi di situ..Tapi sayang setakat umor aku 6 tahun shj disitu, and it was 26 years ago, back in 1987..that was the last time we were there, never been there since my mom died, until 12 Ogos 2013...It was totally different, but how could we forget something that was so dear &
close in our heart...I almost broke in tears when I see the house again!
It was sooooo different..Everthing is changed!Ye lah, it was 26 years ago kan...Jalan masuk ke rumah itu pon sudah berubah...berpuluh kali kitaorg berpusing ditempat yg sama, tanya org sana sini, tapi macamkan takde sorang pon yg tahu..macamkan taman itu sudah tidak wujud lagi..The things I remembered about our old house, rumahnya paling hujung n corner lot, near to the beach like 300 meter away..big surrounding, my late mom tanam pokok macam2, kat belakang penuh pokok mempelam, ada pokok buah delima jugak, kat depan laman ada pokok bunga raya, disebelah porch ada kolam kecik dalam tu ada ikan haruan beso..
Agak lama mencari, dah penat, my husband pon dah give up coz we thought maybe taman dah tukar nama, so lets go back and check out with majlis daerah first and come back later (yg tak tahu la bile)..we were about to heading out to main road back to kuala trg dah, entah mcm mana tetiba aku rasa nak google..So, I googled the address..then a few quite similar address popped out, with timestamp like 2 years ago..I was soooo excited coz that means, the address still exist..told my husband, this was the last attempt, since we got the full address, lets digging..
Alhamdullillah we found the house.Our old house.The house where lies the fondest memories in our heart with our late mom...Kedudukan tetap sama, but the house was 100% changed..the surroundings more pokok2 pelam and the rest...Sedih n terkilan, sebab aku dah berangan, kalo jumpe rumah tu, aku nak mintak barang sebijik 2 mempelam itu..Tapi tak kesampaian sebab, menurut tuan rumah, dia telah menebang semua pokok2 tersebut...:( Sorry mom, anak2 mu tak sempat merasa hasil usahamu berbakti pada tanah..
Takde apa yg tinggal, kecuali sekeping tanah yg sama..
Kecewa, tapi sekurang2nya berpuas hati kerana dapat melihat sendiri akhirnya (walaupon hanya tapak rumah) yg penuh dengan kenangan itu..To the owner, Kak Shida thanks for letting us in n mengimbau kenang an lalu..
S19 Taman Elina 1, Sura Jeti Dungun, forever will be in our hearts!
close in our heart...I almost broke in tears when I see the house again!
It was sooooo different..Everthing is changed!Ye lah, it was 26 years ago kan...Jalan masuk ke rumah itu pon sudah berubah...berpuluh kali kitaorg berpusing ditempat yg sama, tanya org sana sini, tapi macamkan takde sorang pon yg tahu..macamkan taman itu sudah tidak wujud lagi..The things I remembered about our old house, rumahnya paling hujung n corner lot, near to the beach like 300 meter away..big surrounding, my late mom tanam pokok macam2, kat belakang penuh pokok mempelam, ada pokok buah delima jugak, kat depan laman ada pokok bunga raya, disebelah porch ada kolam kecik dalam tu ada ikan haruan beso..
Agak lama mencari, dah penat, my husband pon dah give up coz we thought maybe taman dah tukar nama, so lets go back and check out with majlis daerah first and come back later (yg tak tahu la bile)..we were about to heading out to main road back to kuala trg dah, entah mcm mana tetiba aku rasa nak google..So, I googled the address..then a few quite similar address popped out, with timestamp like 2 years ago..I was soooo excited coz that means, the address still exist..told my husband, this was the last attempt, since we got the full address, lets digging..
Alhamdullillah we found the house.Our old house.The house where lies the fondest memories in our heart with our late mom...Kedudukan tetap sama, but the house was 100% changed..the surroundings more pokok2 pelam and the rest...Sedih n terkilan, sebab aku dah berangan, kalo jumpe rumah tu, aku nak mintak barang sebijik 2 mempelam itu..Tapi tak kesampaian sebab, menurut tuan rumah, dia telah menebang semua pokok2 tersebut...:( Sorry mom, anak2 mu tak sempat merasa hasil usahamu berbakti pada tanah..
Takde apa yg tinggal, kecuali sekeping tanah yg sama..
Kecewa, tapi sekurang2nya berpuas hati kerana dapat melihat sendiri akhirnya (walaupon hanya tapak rumah) yg penuh dengan kenangan itu..To the owner, Kak Shida thanks for letting us in n mengimbau kenang an lalu..
S19 Taman Elina 1, Sura Jeti Dungun, forever will be in our hearts!
rumah itu bukan lagi rumah yg dulu, cuma yg sama ialah berdirinya atas tanah yg sama |
No wonder cari tak jumpa, sebab dia dah letak perkataan lorong tu... |
From the driveway |
This house belong to 'Tok Wan" according to my sis.I didn't remember tok wan, but I still remember the house.. |
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Ini saja gambo yg n sista, bergambar depan one of the pokok pelam @ our spacious backyard. |
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