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Wednesday, October 21, 2015

birthday si bongsu

birthday si bongsu  2 hari yg lepas on 19th oct,sebab i was too busy(read:lazy) to sign in blog maka ari ni gigih jugak la pon guna henpon kecik je nak type..nasib la ye kalau typo bersepah..hhaha Alhamdullillah adik sudah 2 tahun.membesar dgn sihat itupon satu rahmat bagi aku.syukur ya allah. doa mama moga adik membesar jadi anak yg solehah,berjaya dunia akhirat.mama sayang adik....emmmmmm tak tertulis dgn kata2.. sayang ibarat nyawa sendiri.
malam tu x de cekebrate apa pon just a cake sbb mcm biasalah mak ko ni kalau birthday mesti kena ada cake at least..tu pon kemain adik eksaited nak potong cake siap nyanyi epi bedey tu yu sendiri hehehe..happy birthday to you my baby princess...te amor mucho mucho!!!please dont grow up too fast.

1 comment:

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